
How to Choose a Professional Camcorder

Camcorder now nobody will be surprised. This miracle of technology is now present not only of TV, but also for ordinary users who want to document capture important moments in life. But if for home use can restrict amateur video camera WiFi, for the more serious activities require professional model.

Video cameras are not only professional and conventional. There is another type - semi-that approach in functionality for professional use and advanced amateurs, and even some operators for the filming of reports. If you are not running a major operator in the television studio, feel free to make a choice in favor of it semi-professional camcorder, as it gives much better quality than domestic models.

In semi good three-chip camera lens (CCD least 1/4 ") diameter by 58 mm. These parameters give high sensitivity and, accordingly, an excellent recording quality even in the dark, which is a problem for most consumer camcorders. Professional cameras also have three minimum size of the matrix 1/2 ", without an LCD screen and autofocus, but with interchangeable lenses. These cameras are much heavier than the semi and, of course, much more expensive. Therefore, even earning using video, do not hurry to shell out for this model - semi-professional will provide you with all the necessary features and high quality recording.

Semi cameras weigh between two to four kilograms are with shoulder and hand. In contrast to the domestic models in semi-there is always a handle for easy carrying. "Gun" (directional microphone) or a regular microphone usually located in front of the handle. Semi-professional camera to record on a cassette, although today you can find and writing on flash-model. These camcorders are available from Panasonic Company, Canon, and Sony. The information they have recorded with AVCHD-format (1920 x 1080).

In a semi-camcorder certainly has a function ZOOM, which is digital and optical. Note that in the semi-professional models of digital effects is very small, as a professional shoot almost always do "clean" in order to then be processed by other means as necessary, because the pictures using the built-in effects is not clear from them. BTW, you can select the video camera at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other sports and outdoor accessories (e.g. fish lip grabber) there with high quality and reasonable prices.

